



  马拉拉在2007年开始 为自己的教育权利而战, 在2011年,她因为自己的努力 而被授予国家青年和平奖, 从那时起,她变成了 巴基斯坦非常有名的年轻女孩。 在这之前,她是我的女儿, 但现在我是她的父亲。 女士们先生们, 如果我们回顾一下人类历史, 会发现女性的历史 其实是关于不公正, 不平等, 暴力和被剥削的故事。 你会发现, 在重男轻女的社会里, 从一开始, 也就是从女孩出生那一刻开始, 她的出生是不被庆祝的。 她不受欢迎, 无论是父亲还是母亲, 邻居会过来 对母亲表示同情, 没有人会去恭喜父亲。 母亲也会因为拥有了一名女儿 而感到不适。 当她产下第一名女婴时, 她是难过的。 当她产下第二名女婴时, 她是震惊的, 由于一心想要儿子, 当她产下第三名女婴的时候, 她感觉羞愧极了,像罪犯一样。

  但是让人惊讶的是, 这个所谓的荣耀准则, 不仅仅影响女孩的生活, 也与家庭里的男性成员 息息相关。 我知道有一户家庭里有七个女儿,一个儿子, 那个唯一的儿子 已经移民到中东海湾地区, 去挣钱养活七个姐妹 和他的父母。 因为他认为, 如果他的七个姐妹学会了一些技能, 可以离开家 挣点钱,这将是对他的羞辱。 所以这位儿子, 牺牲了自己的生活的快乐, 也摧毁了他姐妹的幸福生活, 只为了维护所谓的荣耀。

  在重男轻女的社会里, 还有一项常态, 那就是服从。 一个好的女孩应该是 非常安静,非常谦虚, 并且非常顺从。 这是准则。 好女孩的榜样必须是非常安静的。 她必须处于沉默的状态, 无条件接受一切 来自父母的, 长者的决定, 即使她不喜欢那些决定。 如果她要嫁给一个自己不喜欢的男人, 或者她要嫁给一个比自己年龄大很多的男人, 她必须无条件接受, 因为她不想被带上 "违抗命令"的名声。 如果她过早地结婚, 她也必须服从。 要不然,她就会被众人称作“违抗命令”。 这样的结局会是什么? 用诗人的话说, 结婚并同床, 然后她生下更多的儿子和女儿, 这种情况的讽刺之处在于, 这名母亲 又将服从的概念 灌输给自己的女儿 将荣耀的概念灌输给自己的儿子。 这种恶性循环一直持续。

  女士们先生们, 我认为,数以百万计女性的苦境, 是可以被改变的, 如果我们从不同的角度思考, 如果女性和男性换位思考, 如果在发展中国家, 那些生于重男轻女和部落制社会中的男性和女性 愿意打破家庭和社会中的 一些陈规 如果他们能废除在国家体系中 存在的带有歧视性的法律, 这些法律违反 女性最基本的人权。

  亲爱的兄弟姐妹们,当马拉拉出生时, 在那一次, 相信我, 坦白说,我不喜欢新生儿 但当我看到她的眼睛时, 相信我, 我觉得分外荣幸。 在她出生很久之前, 我就开始想给她取什么名字, 我当时对在阿富汗战争中 一位为自由而战的传奇女性着迷, 她的名字是迈旺得的马拉拉, 所以我给自己的女儿也取名马拉拉。 在马拉拉生日后的几天, 我的女儿出生了, 我的堂兄过来了 -这完全是意料之外的- 他来我家, 并带来了族谱, 那是属于优素福家族的族谱, 当我看着那份族谱的时候, 它介绍了三百年前我们的祖先, 但当我细看的时候,名单里全是男性, 随后我拿起了笔, 在我名字的下方划了一条线, 然后写上,"马拉拉”。

  她渐渐长大, 当她四岁半的时候, 我送她去我的学校, 你或许会问,为什么我要提到 送女儿去学校? 我必须说说这件事。 在加拿大,美国 等发展中国家,这可能是理所当然的, 但是在贫穷的国家, 在重男轻女或部落制的社会中, 这对女孩来说无比重要。 将她送进学校 意味着对她个体和名字的认可, 进入学校 意味着她进入了充满梦想和抱负的 世界 她可以为自己的未来 探索个人的潜能。 我有五个姐妹, 她们之中没有一个人上过学校, 接下来的故事也许会让你震惊, 两周前, 当我在填加拿大签证表格的时候, 我发现自己需要填写家庭成员, 我那时居然想不起 我一些姐妹的姓氏。 原因就是, 我从来没有见过 自己的姐妹在任何文件中写过自己的名字。 这就是为什么 我珍重女儿的原因。 我父亲不能给予 自己女儿的东西, 我想我一定要改变这个现象。

  我经常表扬我女儿, 赞扬她聪明,机智, 当有朋友来的时候, 我鼓励她和我坐在一起。 我鼓励她和我一起参加不同的会议。 所有这些好的价值 我都试图灌输到她的性格中。 但不仅仅是她,不仅仅是马拉拉, 我把这些好的价值 带去学校,带给男同学也带给女同学。 我通过教育带来解放, 我教育自己的女儿 我教育自己的女学生, 要学会对“服从”说不 我教育我的男学生, 要忘记所谓的“荣耀”。

  亲爱的兄弟姐妹们, 我们为女性争取更多的权利, 我们也在努力在社会中 为女性争取更多的空间和地位, 但是我们也遇到了新的现象。 这个现象给人权带来巨大的打击, 尤其是对女性的权利。 这个现象叫做塔利班化。 这种现象剥夺了 女性的参与权, 无论是在政治活动,经济活动,还是社会活动之中。 上百所学校被关闭。 女孩被禁止上学。 妇女被迫带上面纱, 而且她们被禁止去集市。 音乐家被静止弹奏音乐, 女孩被鞭打, 歌手被刺杀。 百万人受苦, 但只有极少数人敢站出来说, 最恐怖的事情是, 你的周围充满了 经常进行杀戮和鞭打的人, 但你仍要为自己的权利发出呐喊。 这真的是最恐怖的事情。

  在她十岁的时候, 马拉拉站起身, 为自己的教育权利呐喊。 她把自己的一篇日记作为BBC的博客, 她自愿参加 《纽约时代》一些纪录片的制作, 她尽力登上每一个展台去发出自己的声音。 她的声音是世界上最强有力的声音。 她的声音逐渐传播到世界的每一个角落。 这就是为什么塔利班 不能容忍她的宣传活动, 在2012年10月9日, 她头部被近距离射击。

  那天对我们全家人尤其对我自己来说,简直是世界末日。 整个世界变成了一个大黑洞。 我的女儿 处于生命垂危状态, 我低声对妻子说, “对于发生在我们女儿身上的事情, 我是不是有责任?”

  她立刻打断我: ”请别责备自己。 你之前所做的没有错。 你将自己的生命至于危险的环境, 是为了真理, 为了和平, 也为了教育, 你的女儿受到了启发, 并愿意和你并肩作战。 你们两个人都在正确的道路上, 真主会保佑她。”

  这一番话对我意义非常大, 此后我也没有再问过这样的问题。

  当马拉拉在医院的时候, 她忍受着巨大的痛苦, 她头痛极为严重, 因为她的面部神经被切断了, 我妻子的脸 成天被阴云笼罩着。 但我的女儿从来没有抱怨。 她会告诉我们, “微笑奇怪,面部僵硬, 这些都没有关系。 我会好起来的,别担心。” 她是我们的安慰, 给我们带来慰藉。

  亲爱的兄弟姐妹们, 从她身上,我学到了 在困境中如何变得坚强, 我也很乐意和你们分享, 尽管她如今是 儿童权利和妇女权利领域的重要人物, 她和其他16岁的女孩没有什么不同。 当作业没有写完时,她会哭。 她也会和兄弟争吵, 我觉得这些其实都很正常。

  人们问我, 为什么我的启蒙 能让马拉拉如此大胆, 如此勇敢,有感召力并且镇定自若? 我告诉他们,不要问我做了什么。 问我没有做什么。 我所做的,只是没折断她的翅膀。


  (掌声) 非常感谢。


  Malala in 2007 began to fight for their rights to education, in 2011, because of her efforts and was awarded the National Youth Peace Prize, from then on, she became very famous Pakistan young girl. Before that, she was my daughter, but now I'm her father. Ladies and gentlemen, if we look back on human history, we will find that women's history is a story of injustice, inequality, violence and exploitation. You will find that in the patriarchal society, from the beginning, that is the moment was born from a girl, her birth was not celebrated. She is not welcome, either father or mother, the neighbors will come over to her sympathy for the mother, no one will go to congratulate his father. Mother would feel sick because of having a daughter. When she gives birth to a baby girl, she is sad. She was shocked when she produced her first two baby girls, because she wanted a son, and when she made her first three baby girls, she felt very ashamed, like a criminal.

  But what is surprising is that this so-called honor guidelines, not only affect the girl's life, but also with the family members of the male members are closely related. I know that there is a family of seven daughters, a son, the only son who has emigrated to the Middle East Bay area, to earn money to support seven sisters and his parents. Because he believes that if his seven sisters learned some skills, you can leave the house to earn some money, it would be a shame for him. So the son, at the expense of his own life, also destroyed his sister's happy life, only to maintain the so-called glory.

  In patriarchal society, there is a normal, that is to obey. A good girl should be very quiet, very modest, and very obedient. This is the rule. The good example of a good girl must be very quiet. She must be in a state of silence, unconditional acceptance of everything from the parents, the elder's decision, even if she does not like those decisions. If she wants to marry a man you don't love, or she is going to marry an older many men, she must accept unconditionally, because she did not want to be with "disobedience" reputation. If she got married too early, she must obey. Otherwise, she will be the people called "disobedience". This is what the outcome will be? In the words of the poet, married and with the bed, and she gave birth to more sons and daughters, the irony is that the mother will follow the concept of indoctrination to his daughter will honor the concept of indoctrination to his son. This vicious cycle continues.

  Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that millions of women's plight can be changed, if we think from different angles, if men and women think, if in the developing world, men and women who was born in the patriarchal and tribal society in the willing to break a few rules in the family and society if they can abolish existing in the system of national law in the discriminatory, the law violates the basic human rights of women.

  Dear brothers and sisters, when the horse was born, in that time, believe me, frankly, I do not like the newborn but when I see her eyes, believe me, I feel very honored. For a long time before she was born, I began to give her what name, I was obsessed with a legendary women fighting for the freedom of the war in Afghanistan, her name is Maiwang to malala, so I gave his daughter named Ma lara. In malala a few days after the date of birth, my daughter was born, my cousin came - this is completely contrary to expectation - he came to my house, and bring the genealogy, that belongs to the Yousaf family tree, when I look at the tree, it introduces our ancestors three hundred years ago. But when I look at the list of all men, then I picked up a pen, a line under my name, then write, "MALALLA".

  She grew up, when she was four and a half years, I sent her to my school, you may ask, why I want to send my daughter to school? I must say something about this. In Canada, the United States and other developing countries, which may be behoove, but in poor countries, or tribal system in patriarchal society, it is very important for girls. To send her to school means to recognize her individuality and name, and to enter the school means that she enters a world full of dreams and aspirations. I have five sisters, they had none of the school, the next story might make you shocked, two weeks ago, when I fill the Canada visa form, I found that I need to fill out the family member, I don't remember some of my sisters name. The reason is that I have never seen my sister wrote her name in any document. This is why I treasure her reason. My father can't give his daughter, I think I have to change this phenomenon.

  I often praise my daughter, praise her clever, witty, when a friend came, I encourage her to sit with me. I encourage her to join me in a different conference. All these good values I have tried to instill in her character. But not just her, it is not just a horse, I put these good value to the school, bring the male students also bring female students. I bring liberation through education, I teach my daughter, I teach my female students, to learn to "obey" said no I teach my male students, to forget the so-called "glory"".

  Dear brothers and sisters, we are striving for more rights for women, and we are trying to win more space and place for women in society, but we also have a new phenomenon. This phenomenon has brought great impact on human rights, especially the rights of women. This phenomenon is called Taliban. This phenomenon has deprived women of the right to participate, whether in political activities, economic activities, or social activities. Hundreds of schools have been closed down. The girl was forbidden to go to school. The women were forced to take the veil, and they were forbidden to go to the fair. Musicians are still playing music, the girl was beaten, the singer was assassinated. Millions of people suffer, but only a few people dare to stand up and say, the most horrible thing is that you are surrounded by people who often kill and whip, but you still want to cry out for their own rights. This is really the most horrible thing.

  At the age of ten, she stood up and shouted for her educational rights. She put her diary as a BBC blog, she volunteered to participate in the "New York times" some of the documentary production, she tried to board every booth to make their own voice. Her voice is the most powerful voice in the world. Her voice gradually spread to every corner of the world. This is why Taliban can't tolerate her campaign, in October 9, 2012, she was shot in the head by a close range.

  That day for our family, especially for myself, it's the end of the world. The whole world has become a big black hole. My daughter is dying, I whispered to his wife said, "for in our daughter thing, I'm not a responsibility?"

  She immediately interrupted me: "please don't blame yourself.". There's nothing wrong with what you've done. You put your life in danger, for truth, for peace, for education, your daughter is inspired, and willing to fight side by side with you. The two of you are on the right path, and Allah will bless her."

  This is what meaning to me is very large, since I did not ask this question.

  When malala was in hospital, she endured great pain, her headache is very serious, because her facial nerve was cut off, my wife's face was clouded by all day. But my daughter never complained. She will tell us, "the smile is strange, the face is stiff, all these are not related. I'll be okay, don't worry." She is our comfort, give us comfort.

  Dear brothers and sisters, from her, I learned the dilemma of how to be strong, I will be very glad to share with you, although she is now an important character of children's rights and women's rights in the field, she and the other girls at the age of 16 is not what different. When the homework is not finished, she will cry. She's going to argue with her brother, and I think these are all normal.

  People ask me why my enlightenment can make malala so bold, so brave, charismatic and calm? I told them, don't ask me what to do. Ask me what I didn't do. All I did was break her wings.

  Thank you

  (applause) thank you very much.

时间:2020-03-22 作者:大学生热点网 来源:大学生热点网 关注: