


students in this 9.6 million square kilometers of land, which his uncle did not know the name! his name is called - lei feng. 同学们,在这960万平方公里的土地上,哪一个不知道叔叔的英名!他的名字就叫――雷锋。 uncle lei feng him helping others, has no profits. 雷锋叔叔他助人为乐,毫不利已。 on one occasion, due to a stomach ache from lei feng to the ministry of health mission even opened the medicine to come back, see benxi road primary school building under construction, it helped push the car shipped from a brick, a series done for several hours. this is lei feng. 有一次,雷锋因肚子疼到团部卫生连开了点药回来,见本溪路小学的大楼正在施工,便推起一辆小车帮着运砖,一连干了好几个小时。这就是雷锋。 when they replace their vehicles in a business trip, feng found a middle-aged woman carrying a child’s train ticket, and lost money, he used his allowance to the sister-in-law bought a train ticket from jilin go. it is therefore a stay chuan phrase: "lei feng travel thousands of miles one good one to do the train." this is lei feng. 在一次出差换车时,雷锋发现一个背着小孩的中年妇女的火车票和钱丢了,他就用自己的津贴费给大嫂买了一张去吉林的火车票。人们因此留传着这样一句话:"雷锋出差一千里,好事做了一火车。"这就是雷锋。 he "stole" a comrade-in-arms of their loved ones for money for the disaster area to send the people on all deposits over the past few years. some say he is a "fool," said feng him happy revolution "fool." this is lei feng. 他"偷"着为战友的亲人寄钱,为灾区人民寄上几年来的全部存款。有人说他是"傻子",雷锋却说他甘愿做革命的"傻子"。这就是雷锋。 lei feng selfless, willing to sacrifice things really are too much. 雷锋大公无私,乐于奉献的事还真是太多了。 today, the lei feng spirit of the people in the probation, in between there are a lot of our revolution, "fool." lei feng has left us more than 40 years, but his spirit is with the times, shine forever如今,雷锋精神在感化着人们,在我们中间就有不少革命的"傻子"。雷锋已经离开我们有40多年了,可是他的精神却与时俱进,永放光芒 traffic police, they stand in the street on day and night, to withstand the test of wind and rain, frost withstand the torture, whether it is a cold winter or hot summer, they always standing there; regardless of family and friends are still ordinary people, they always impartial and incorruptible, impartial treatment. they pay for this cause too much too much, sacrifice too much, no matter how difficult the road, they decided to do so. traffic police are not our great-human transmission is lei feng? 交警,他们日夜站在马路上,经受风雨的考验,经受冰霜的折磨,不管是寒冷的严冬,还是炎热的盛夏,他们总是那样站在那里;不管是亲朋好友还是普通老百姓,他们总是铁面无私,秉公处理。他们为了这个事业付出了太多太多,牺牲的也太多太多了,不管前路有多艰辛,他们毅然决定这么做。我们伟大的交警不正是雷锋的传人吗? teacher, they work day and night, i do not know the number of correct operation, i do not know how many little rest at night. in their teachings, we know how to make an aspiring person, a noble person, a moral person, a person the benefit of the people; in their care under the guidance, i do not know how many people have embarked on a the success of the road. they love their work, paid in full, return was always someone else’s happiness. them as a candle, burning himself, and lit up the others, and our hard won ding lei feng-human transmission is not it? 老师,他们夜以继日地工作,不知批改过多少作业,不知少休息了多少个夜晚。在他们的教导下,我们懂得了怎样做一个有抱负的人,一个高尚的人,一个有道德的人,一个有益于人民的人;在他们的悉心教导下,不知道有多少人走上了成功的道路。他们热爱自己的工作,付出了全部,回报的也总是别人的快乐。他们正如一支蜡烛,燃烧了自己,照亮了别人,我们辛勤的圆丁不正是雷锋的传人吗?
时间:2020-03-25 作者:大学生热点网 来源:大学生热点网 关注: